Bible Studies

Ever wonder what the Bible and Catholic church actually teach? Not sure how to do that whole ‘Christian’ thing? Just want a solid group of friends to hang out with every week? Join one of the Newman Center’s Bible Studies! Whether you’ve memorized the whole Bible or never opened one in your life, come join one of our co-ed weekly Bible Studies to learn about the faith and build lasting friendships. Contact joe@cncumsl.org for more info.

Men’s Group 

Calling all men of Newman and of UMSL!  This is a men’s only fellowship group.  Gather with a group of peers for fellowship, fun and comraderie.  Contact Joe for more info and to find out when the group is meeting this semester:  joe@cncumsl.org.

Women’s Group 

Join other women of Newman and UMSL for this monthly gathering of prayer, togetherness, and growth.  This is a space of belonging and exploring God in our lives. Email Olivia at otc7gp@umsystem.edu for more information.


Spending time with God, particularly through the life and love of the Son, Jesus Christ, is central to who we are and what we are about at Newman.  We all need time and space to rest, recharge and remember that we are loved beyond measure! Once a month, Newman as a community gathers to do this in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament.  Sometimes it is more silent and contemplative, sometimes it is accompanied by lively Praise & Worship music, and sometimes we travel to a local parish or religious community to pray with them.  Any way, it is sure to replenish your soul!  Keep an eye on this week’s calendar of events to know when we’ll be gathering.


Newman is all about learning and growing in faith understanding.  This happens in an intellectual way as well as in a heart and body-centered way.  Catechesis, or learning about the faith, happens all the time– at Mass, through weekly prayer events and especially by spending time in community.  Newman also offers RCIA– the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, a year-long program for those wanting to learn about the Catholic faith in a systematic, focused way.  If you are interested in this group, please contact Fr. Nick Winker (frnick@cncumsl.org) to join.   Newman staff are also always available for one-on-one conversations and tough questions.  Don’t hesitate to contact us!  We love questions and we love embarking on faith journeys with each of you!  Joe (joe@cncumsl.org) , Lucy (lucy@cncumsl.org), or Kay (kay@cncumsl.org).

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